

202307 GyanamritGuj

જુલાઈ ૨૦૨૩ – જ્ઞાનામૃત

Subscription INDIA Membership : Yearly Subscription Rs.110/- & Life Time Membership Rs.2,000/-FOREIGN Membership : Annual Air Mail Subscription Rs. 1100/- & Life Time Membership Rs. 10,000/- Subscriptions payable through Money Order/Cash or Cheque or Demand

202307 TheWorldRenewal Eng
The World Renewal

July’23 – The World Renewal

Subscription INDIA Annual Rs.120/- & Life Time Rs.2000/-FOREIGN Annual Rs. 1500/- & Life Time Rs. 15,000/- Subscriptions payable through Money Order/Cash or Demand Draft :(In the name of “The World Renewal”) can be sent to:Om

Om Shanti Media June 02 2022
ओम शांति मीडिया

July’22 – 2 – Om Shanti Media

Read through the Om shanti Media collection to get to know the service news, all the events occurring in the Brahmin family from around the world, in addition to the insightful articles. Om Shanti Media

ओम शांति मीडिया

July’22 – 1 – Om Shanti Media

Read through the Om shanti Media collection to get to know the service news, all the events occurring in the Brahmin family from around the world, in addition to the insightful articles. Om Shanti Media

Shiv Amantran July 2022
शिव आमंत्रण

July’22 – Shiv Amantran

Shiv Amantran July 2022 Get guidance on the path of peace and harmony through Shiv Amantran. This is a Hindi language journal published monthly directly from the headquarters. The journal is a blend of artful

The World Renewal July 2022
The World Renewal

July’22 – The World Renewal

he World Renewal is a monthly magazine published in English language. It is designed to bring a light to the real meaning of spirituality , transforming the world through self realization and make you feel

Gujarati Gynamrit July 2022

જુલાઈ ૨૦૨૨ – જ્ઞાનામૃત

GujaratiGyan Amrit is Gujarati language magazine published every month directly from the Ahmedabad. The contents of the magazine revolves around spheres of self improvement, knowledge and spirituality. The contents of the magazine is specifically designed


July’21 – ज्ञानामृत

Imbibe the nectar of knowledge collected in the Gyanamrit magazine. Click each year to read by month.Although this publication has been temporarily stopped now, here’s your unique opportunity to enrich yourselves with the evergreen insightful


જુલાઈ ૨૦૨૧ – જ્ઞાનામૃત

GujaratiGyan Amrit is Gujarati language magazine published every month directly from the Ahmedabad. The contents of the magazine revolves around spheres of self improvement, knowledge and spirituality. The contents of the magazine is specifically designed