
7 Days Course

Drama Wheel (Telugu)
7 Days Course

7 Day Course – Telugu

Posters required for the basic Raja Yoga Meditation Course showing the Soul, God, Time and Karma Philosophy for easy understanding (in Telugu) GIF file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download

Attainments Of Rajyoga
7 Days Course

7 Day Course – 4

Deeper information about Raja Yoga course, the attainments by adopting it as a way of life and other pictorial representations that help in better understanding and experience of meditation (in Hindi) GIF file_download file_download file_download

Supreme Soul
7 Days Course

7 Day Course – 3

Discover deeper information about Raja Yoga course, the attainments by adopting it as a way of life and other pictorial representations that can help in better understanding and experience of meditation (in English) GIF file_download

Manav Jeevan ka Lakshy
7 Days Course

7 Day Course – 2

The pictorial representations required for the basic Raja Yoga Meditation Course showing the Soul, God, Time and Karma Philosophy for easy understanding (in Hindi) GIF file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download

New Exhibition - Sarv Aatmaon ke Pita
7 Days Course

7 Day Course – 1

This section has the posters (in Hindi) that can be part of exhibitions held by the Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya. These are part of the basic Rajyoga Meditation Course explaining the Soul, God,