
Wings Exhibitions

Youth Wing Exhibition (Hindi) - 6

Youth Wing

All about Youth Power, responsibilities and the role of Raja Yoga in success portrayed in posters by the Youth Wing by the Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya in Hindi GIF file_download file_download file_download file_download

Women's Wing Exhibition - 7

Women’s Wing

Posters in Hindi from the Women’s Wing of the Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya that wonderfully depict the importance of women in society and highlight woman power GIF file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download

Social Service Wing Exhibition - 3

Social Service Wing

Highlighting the Ideal Society and the state of the present day society in posters (in Hindi) by the Social Service Wing of the Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya GIF file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download

Scientist & Engineering Exhibition (Hindi) - 15

Science & Engineering – Hindi

Connection between Science and Spirituality very simply explained in Hindi through posters GIF file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download

Scientist & Engineering Exhibition (English) - 1

Science & Engineering – English

Connection between Science and Spirituality very simply explained in English through posters GIF file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download

Rural Wing Exhibition (Hindi) - 12

Rural Wing – Hindi

By the Rural Wing portraying an Ideal village and depicting ways to work towards a clean and green environment through Raja Yoga Meditation in Hindi GIF file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download

Rural Wing Exhibition (English) - 1

Rural Wing – English

By the Rural Wing portraying an Ideal village and depicting ways to work towards a clean and green environment through Raja Yoga Meditation in English GIF file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download

Drug De-addiction - Misuse of Drugs (Telugu)

Drug Deaddiction – Telugu

Posters in Telugu by the Medical Wing of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya that depict the types of addiction, need for de-addiction and how Raja Yoga mediation can help in de-addiction GIF file_download file_download

Drug De-addiction - Effects of Tobacco and Smoking (Hindi)

Drug Deaddiction – Hindi

Posters in Hindi by the Medical Wing of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya that depict the types of addiction, need for de-addiction and how Raja Yoga mediation can help in de-addiction GIF file_download file_download

Medical Wing Exhibition (Hindi) - 5

Medical Wing – Hindi

Posters by the Medical Wing highlighting the benefits of Raja Yoga meditation on the overall well being of an individual GIF file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download

Jurist Wing Exhibition - 11

Jurist Wing

Comparison of the man made Judicial System and awareness of the Divine laws in Hindi by Jurist Wing of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya GIF file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download

Medical Wing Exhibition (English) - 3

Medical Wing – English

Posters by the Medical Wing of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya that shows the connection between the total well being of an individual and Raja Yoga Meditation GIF file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download file_download

Education Wing Exhibition - 8

Education Wing

Posters (in Hindi and English) from the Education Wing of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya that explains the types and need of education and clarifies ‘Self Empowerment through Spiritual and Value Education’ GIF file_download

Art & Culture Wing Exhibition - 2

Art & Culture Wing

The posters (in Hindi) from the Art and Culture Wing of the Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya that throws light on the connection between art and spirituality and other associated present day facts GIF