
03rd oct soul sustenance

The Mind In Control (Part 3)

A very good practice in your everyday life is to connect your mind with a peaceful source of spiritual energy. God is such a source and not someone with a physical form. His form is a being of spiritual light which is invisible to the physical eyes but can be experienced through the mind. So, connecting with this being of light which is full of spiritual qualities like peace and power at regular intervals in the day will help your mind become silent. This is because the moment you connect with this Supreme Energy, His spiritual energy starts entering the mind. As a result, your thoughts which are related to your physical body and physical role in life and relationships start becoming less and we become calm and peaceful. This is called silence of the mind and not only silence of a physical nature, in which you don’t do anything physically and don’t talk. Remember true silence is few thoughts and only positive and necessary ones with no unnecessary and negative thoughts.

Also, this technique of remembering God, who is a point of spiritual energy and light, makes you more and more powerful also. The ability to create only those thoughts which are necessary in any difficult circumstance of life is sometimes difficult for some people. The moment we are faced with difficult situations, different types of thoughts which are related to the situation but are negative and unnecessary in nature come into our mind. How do I prevent that and what is spiritual power? Spiritual power means creating only those thoughts which are positive and necessary in any situation. This brings silence of the mind. So peace and power along with joy and love also, absorbed from the Supreme, keep us not only light but also full of contentment, which is our original nature.


08th feb 2025 soul sustenence hindi

दूसरों को देने वाले बनें (भाग 1)

क्या आपका आत्म-सम्मान हार और जीत पर निर्भर करता है? इसे बदलें! खुद को आध्यात्मिक दृष्टिकोण से देखने का तरीका जानें, आत्मा की शक्ति को पहचानें, और हर कर्म को खुशी से करें।

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8th feb 2025 soul sustenance telugu

ఇతరులకు నిరంతరం ఇస్తూ ఉండండి (పార్ట్ 1) 

ఎమోషనల్ ఓదార్పు మరియు శక్తిని ఇవ్వడం   మన జీవితమంతా మనకు తెలిసిన వ్యక్తులకు మరియు మనకు తెలియని వ్యక్తులకు కూడా సేవ చేస్తాము. ఎందుకంటే ఇవ్వడం, సేవ చేయడం మన సహజ లక్షణాలు.

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