March 7, 2024
You thought I decide your destiny, whenever you had a problem you blamed me for it and prayed to me to resolve it. Sweet children, I am your spiritual Father, can I ever give you illness, poverty, abuse, conflict and natural calamities? Everything in your world works according to the Law of Karma, you are only getting a return for what you have done. You are the creators of your destiny. I can give you the wisdom and power to create a wonderful destiny. But for that you need to connect to me and study the wisdom I share.
Sweet Children, your search for me now ends. All these years you could not find me because I was not in your world. I was in our spiritual home, the soul world. But now, as promised to you, I have descended into your world. I have come to purify you. I have come into your world to remind you of who you are and who I am.
My lovely children, like you, I am also just a point of spiritual light. I am the Ocean of Purity, the Ocean of Love and the Ocean of Wisdom. You have called out to me by many names. I am your Supreme Father, Teacher and Guru. You children take a body and come into the cycle of birth and rebirth, I do not take a body. I live in the soul world, land of silence and purity, which is also the home from where you all came to this world. I have come into your material world to give you wisdom, love and power.
(To be continued tomorrow …)
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