Keep Giving To Others Constantly (Part 3)
Use your goodness or lose it! Discover the power of giving, radiating love, and spreading peace and strength. Learn how to become an unconditional giver today!
September 26, 2023
In yesterday’s message, we had discussed the first mirror, the mirror of spiritual knowledge. This mirror will also show you God or the Supreme Soul and it will remind you about His virtues, words and actions which will help you check where you stand in comparison to Him in terms of virtues, words and actions and will influence you to follow Him by imbibing those virtues, speaking words and performing actions in the similar way. Lastly this mirror will reveal to you the personality of God and remind you of your relationship with Him, strengthen the relationship and help you in creating a deep and personal connection with Him in different ways which will benefit you and others.
The knowledge read every morning will help you see and realize what mistakes you have committed in the last 24 hours in your thinking and while performing actions and also mistakes committed in maintaining a connection with the Supreme and also see what you have done positively during the same time, which will encourage you further to do the same in the future. The mirror of spiritual knowledge will also help you remain careful for the day ahead and create thoughts and perform actions and experience a relationship with the Supreme based on what you have read. It is a common experience of a lot of people that the spiritual knowledge read in the morning is always what the need of the moment is for them. The spiritual knowledge read is very commonly an exact reflection of the activities and mental state of your last 24 hours and something which you require for the coming day for the self, for your relationships and for facing different types of negative situations in your personal and professional life. This is the Law of Spiritual Attraction. Our consciousness and inner requirements attract towards us the spiritual knowledge of a similar nature and bring us closer to God, who answers all our questions and clears all our doubts about life through the spiritual wisdom which He shares everyday.
(To be continued tomorrow ….)
Use your goodness or lose it! Discover the power of giving, radiating love, and spreading peace and strength. Learn how to become an unconditional giver today!
Never run out of positive energy! Learn how to adjust, accept, and radiate love despite challenges. Connect to spiritual energy and find unlimited emotional strength.
Giving emotional comfort and strength is the purest way to serve others. Learn how forgiveness, love, and selfless giving create inner peace, heal relationships, and remove emotional pain.
Start your day with a breeze of positivity and stay motivated with these daily affirmations
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