June 5, 2024
Whenever you get up in the morning, say to yourself that I am a spiritual energy which is completely different from the physical body i.e. it is not made up of the 5 physical elements. The physical body is made up of these elements. The words human being literally mean human + being where human means humus or soil, which is non-living and being means spiritual energy, which is living. This is called soul realization or true self realization. This is also called – soul consciousness. This means that I am a soul and I emerge the consciousness of being that in my day to day routine and also while meditating. This does not mean that I stop performing actions and taking care of my work and other responsibilities. But I perform all those duties and while performing them I realize that I am a soul and that means experiencing the form and qualities of the soul. The form of the soul is not a physical form, because the soul is a non-physical energy or light. Here, light does not mean that it can be seen by the physical eyes. Also, it is a light, which is minuscule in size or of a very small size and cannot be seen even under a physical magnifying glass or microscope, because it is non-physical in nature.
To make visualization easy, we at the Brahma Kumaris, experience the soul to be a star of subtle light at the centre of the forehead, just above the eyebrows, in meditation. The actual location of the soul is inside the brain, as explained in yesterday’s message. The soul looks at the world outside, through the eyes, listens through the ears and speaks through the mouth, which are the main actions performed by the soul. Also, the other senses of touch, smell and taste are performed by the soul while sitting in its position. Lastly, the qualities of the soul are peace, joy, love, bliss, purity, power and wisdom, which undergo change depending on the actions performed by the soul. If the soul performs positive actions, these qualities increase and if the actions performed are negative, they decrease.
Explore Part 2 of the Brahma Kumaris 7 Days Course. Learn how to connect with God, the Supreme Soul, and understand His divine qualities and transformative role in world renewal.
Discover the Brahma Kumaris 7 Days Course, an introduction to spiritual wisdom and meditation. Learn about soul-consciousness, the World Drama, and your divine qualities in this transformative journey.
Discover 5 signs that you carry a goodness vibration! Learn how peace, love, joy, and a divine connection help you radiate positivity, strengthen relationships, and attract blessings.
how your presence can make a real difference to someone who’s sad, learn about the impact of emotional energy exchange, and explore practical ways to share happiness
Discover how maintaining your happiness can transform even the dullest environments. Learn practical steps and guided meditation to uplift yourself and those around you.
Article discusses transition from ‘Ravan Rajya’ to ‘Ram Rajya’ through shifting consciousness, personal transformation for societal change.
Start your day with a breeze of positivity and stay motivated with these daily affirmations
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