2nd March – Soul Sustenance

Positive Thought Based Living (Part 1)

Living in a world of high speed and actions in our everyday lives, we need to spend a few minutes everyday looking at how much time did we spend in the day in giving and spreading the fragrance of our specialties and loving each one whom we meet, with a big heart. Always see and check whether each action of yours is dedicated to the benefit of others and not only for benefiting the self. We all know and realize that the day to day routine includes work tasks of different types but life is also about giving and receiving from others all that’s beautiful in life like peace, love and happiness. It’s fine to be over involved with work but even in that work there are some people who are more in touch with their inner goodness. Some will make it a point to share good things with others in the form of good words while talking to them and good gestures while interacting with them. Some people will make it a point to share with others, something good over email or on the phone before starting their daily routine at office or even the regular work at home if they are not working.

So life isn’t all about working hard for a living but living a value based life and spreading the fragrance of values to others. Values are not to be kept within you but shared with others and distributed with a big heart. There are some people who will put up a good thought everyday. They will do it in their homes or on their computers screens or at some place in their office where everyone can read it, take inspiration from it, bring it into practice and also inspire others with it. This is called positive thought based living and not just plain living which most of us indulge in. Live life to the fullest and enjoy it but not at the cost of giving up values. Let every person whom you come in contact with, feel you are different not only in terms of personality and skills but also in terms of your basic nature and the virtues or qualities you possess. Then the world will become a beautiful place to live in and we will be like one big family closely knit together in a bond of pure love and happiness.

(To be continued tomorrow …)