
Time management in our daily lives (part 2)

February 8, 2024

Time Management In Our Daily Lives (Part 2)


Whenever we are very busy, we need to take a break for a minute or two and talk to ourselves and give ourselves a few positive thoughts. In this way, the negative thoughts will be replaced and reduced in your mind. We need a concentrated mind and intellect to perform actions in a positive manner. E.g. if at a certain point of time, the requirement of your mind is peace, say to yourself – My real nature is peace and I am originally a peaceful being or spiritual energy. Also, look at everyone around you and create the simple thoughts – The energy of my peace is spreading to everyone around me and giving peace to them. In a similar manner, if you are stressed because of a relationship, talk to yourself – I am a sweet natured soul and I have to give love to everyone, even if I am not receiving the same from others. You could also think – I am radiating love to my home or my office and changing its atmosphere to a one filled with good feelings and good wishes.  

This can be done for one minute every hour. As explained in yesterday’s message, depending on what you need, create the relevant thoughts. Remember, these thoughts will make your workplace and your home as per what you think and feel. Also, before that happens, your own mind will become just like what you think. Your thoughts will influence your feelings and attitudes accordingly. Relationships will become successful and people will start co-operating with you much more. Also, you will be able to satisfy people much more with your words and actions.

                                                                  (To be continued tomorrow …)

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