Your Will Power Is Your Biggest Strength
Discover how your will power fuels your success! Learn ways to strengthen it, overcome challenges, and build unshakable self-discipline for personal growth.
Leader- it is a word, a position, a label, a responsibility and much more. let us discuss on some more characteristics of a leader.
A good leader is in a constant growth mode and learning is the bedrock of progressing. He never repeats the same day twice! He strives to seek new experiences and he is in a constant self-introspection mode.
A leader is always open to new ideas and ways to do things. It doesn’t mean that a leader is a copier, but he always notices and learns from the specialities of others, those who are ahead of him and those who are lagging behind.
A leader doesn’t work for praise and so is not affected whether he receives it or not. Praise is not his destination. So even if he receives it, he doesn’t rest there and deals with it with maturity. He takes criticism as a means to improve and praise as responsibility to sustain. More than a sense of appreciation, it is this sense of responsibility that makes him achieve more and sustain what has already been achieved.
Leadership is synonymous to Master Consciousness, but the way it is perceived is different. A leader is sometimes mistaken as a master who instructs. But a leader is someone who leads by example and transforms the ‘saying’ into ‘doing’.He is a master of his thinking, his words and actions. He can never blame the situation or people for his actions or reactions as doing so is a victim consciousness.He sets the trend right by being a master and not a victim. For this, a leader needs rock- strong determination that cannot be shaken by circumstances, people, failures etc.
Certain powers are required by a leader to execute leadership.
Moreover, every external authority, which comes naturally to a leader, has to be supplemented with a balance of inner power. If authority or power isn’t executed with inner powers, it might lead to development of ego, resulting in a roadblock for the success of a leader.
While a leader must have a learning attitude and excellent listening skills, through which he is able to listen and understand what the words and minds of his people or team mean; he must also have a great intuition. A leader always believes in creating more leaders and thus gives equal opportunity to everyone in the team to share their views and give opinions. Also, being open minded makes a leader available to all and soon earns trust and respect of his team. However, it is of utmost importance for the leader to develop a strong and sharp intuition, which always guides the leader and helps him choose the right opinion. While he is open to new ideas and ways to doing things, his intuition always guides him and warns against any wrong intensions or decisions.
ntegrity for a leader is like water for life. It is not just essential for a leader, but also indicative of true leadership. It has been a common trait to all the great leaders that the world has seen. Integrity can be understood as:
It is said thatinitially you have to support your values and ethics so that later in life they may emerge strong to support you at the time of crisis or tests of life. For instance, if one has remained honest for his whole lifetime, under any and every circumstance, then during the hard phase of life, his image of being an honest person, which has helped him earn the trust of all, will safeguard him from any undue allegations and gather the support of those who have secured their trust in him. And at that point of life, it feels as if it was truly worth living by that value throughout life.
As a leader, one has to be aware of each and every proceeding in the team, has to have the knowledge of whatever is going on in the team. Only then will he be able to understand and develop better means to do the same task and also solve the issues, if any, in the team. But along with this ability comes the necessity of remaining unaffected by the ups and downs. This quality of value of a leader is known as ‘detached involvement’. If the leader starts getting mentally and emotional affected by issues within the team, loses his nerves out of anger or fear, feels the pressure of the problem, then much of his time and energy will be lost bearing the mental and emotional burden and further more time and energy will be needed in coming back to the normal level; while during the time of such crisis, demonstration of extra-ordinary skills was required.
Thus, this value reflects the compassionate, sensible, responsible and humane side of the leader, who is strong enough to support his team by remaining mentally and emotionally detached or unaffected by the effect and pressure of people and situations.
It is certain that not all of us who are leaders or aspire to become one, have all of these and other qualities that make a person a leader. But it is equally certain that we do have some or the other combination of these. If only we have a means to build up on these values or qualities, it would not be difficult for us to acquire the others, as these values or qualities are complementary to each other. More-so, they are our intrinsic virtues, locked deep within the layers of acquired personality, which we have chosen to adopt to suit the external environment and ensure the survival of the fittest, giving rise to never ending competition. Whereas, a big question remains unanswered- whether we are holistically fit enough? And is our purpose merely to survive or to excel?
Spirituality provides us a way to explore answers to many of such questions. It is a natural way to deepen our understanding of ourselves and others, which includes knowing our strengths and short-comings. If while walking on a road, we are aware of the route, it will help us to reach our destination without mistake, in the shortest and easiest way. Also, when we know the route and condition of the road well, we are also aware of the potholes on the road. This knowledge helps us avoid those potholes until they are filled and repaired, and we may reach our destination safely. Similar is the boon that spirituality provides us. It not only helps us sharpen our qualities to achieve excellence in whatever we do, while otherwise we would have been busy in trying to acquire those qualities not knowing that we had ourselves locked them up within, but also makes us aware of our limitations, so that we don’t end up triggering them in situations where they could lead to our serious loss. Meanwhile, practise of Rajyoga Meditation allows us to fill- up or repair our inner defects and convert them into our strengths, sculpting a good and able leader.
Discover how your will power fuels your success! Learn ways to strengthen it, overcome challenges, and build unshakable self-discipline for personal growth.
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Start your day with a breeze of positivity and stay motivated with these daily affirmations
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