Attention To Every Karma
Understand how attention to every karma shapes your destiny. Learn how your thoughts, words, and actions impact your life today and in the future.
Whenever you start the day and you have work to do, remind yourself that I have to use the eight spiritual powers in overcoming situations of various types and experience success. Take for e.g. today I have to meet a group of executives in a company meeting and we have to take a few decisions based on everyone’s feedback. For such a situation, I need to use the power to discriminate the different opinions of people and also the power to judge and reach a final decision based on the different opinions. For this I need a clean intellect and a stable mind and also as mentioned in yesterday’s message the sanskaras of these two powers especially. Also, suddenly my close associate in the office develops a cold war with me i.e. he starts keeping a distance from me. In such a situation, to get him back on good terms with me, I need the power to co-operate and accommodate along with the other powers to a lesser extent. These are examples of two different situations at the workplace.
Then there are situations involved with the body becoming ill at times and the mind feels burdened by that and the smile on the face is replaced by discontentment and indifference. This happens for many people when faced with such physical body related problems. In such a situation the primary powers required are the power to face and the power to accommodate. The other six powers also reduce when faced with an illness. There are some people who lose their temper or get angry very easily when they are not physically well i.e. their power to tolerate and power to co-operate reduces. Also, some people will find it hard to discriminate right from wrong and judge correctly when are not well, which are two important powers required to be successful in real life situations. And again, because in all illnesses, negative thoughts can increase, there are people who will find it extremely difficult to get sleep and remain focused. This means that their power to pack up and withdraw gets affected in such a situation.
(To be continued tomorrow …)
Understand how attention to every karma shapes your destiny. Learn how your thoughts, words, and actions impact your life today and in the future.
Learn Step 3 of resolving negative situations: taking positive steps of resolution. Discover how combining action with faith and God’s guidance leads to miracles.
Discover how to create a positive and powerful mindset to resolve life’s challenges. Learn Step 2 of resolving negative situations with spiritual wisdom.
Start your day with a breeze of positivity and stay motivated with these daily affirmations
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