
04th jan 23 soul sustenance

Returning To My Original State Of Goodness (Part 3)

To return to our original state of goodness, we need to look towards a Higher Source of spiritual power and positivity. Asking for love and happiness from others is like the musk deer which possesses the fragrance it’s looking for in its navel but looks for it outside. We have all these treasures inside us. Going back to the original virtuous self means realizing this completely and then taking the knowledge and power to fill ourselves with these treasures from God, who never loses these treasures. Also, the more these treasures have reduced inside us over a period of many births, the more we have lost our happiness. Also, we have become burdened with lots of incorrect sanskaras or personality characteristics. These characteristics have become a part of our nature due to incorrect actions performed by us as we came down the ladder of many births or lives.

So now, the call of time is to connect with the Supreme Being or Supreme Soul, the Supreme Parent of each soul of the world – God and regain all those positive qualities. This will make us rich internally, on a spiritual level. The more we do that, the more we will return to the original stage we had once, when we came down into this world from the soul world, which lies high above the physical world. Also, it is not only the time to become pure and positive again and start a new life, but it’s also time to first return back to the soul world for a short while. After that, we will start a new cycle of many births and rebirths in this world. This is the rest the soul needs before coming down in the world full of actions, interactions and relationships. Hence, we are on what we call, the return journey and the cycle of birth and rebirth will repeat itself.

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