
PEACE All Around

"My name is Rashmi and i will start with a new greeting that i have learnt over here - "Om Shanti".
I have come from Pune and I am working with a Japanese software company called NTT Data Global Delivery Services. This is my first experience to come here. Because this seminar was for IT, I could take part this time and i am really amazed, its been a very beautiful experience. So many people, so well organized, so much peace all around, everything is just moving meticulous, everybody is so happy and peaceful. I am really amazed. I think this has been the most wonderful experience of my life and I would encourage and request everyone else to atleast come and experience and you take back so many things from here. Its been a beautfiul experience. Om Shanti"
Rashmi Kumar
NTT Data Global Delivery Services

Moments & Memories From IT Conference
