महिला सशक्तिकरण का अनूठा कार्य
प्रकृति का शाश्वत नियम है रात के बाद दिन और दिन के बाद रात आने का। ठीक उसी तरह जब-जब मानव अपने धर्म-कर्म-मर्यादाओं से गिर जाता है तब-तब कोई न
Whilst in Karachi, Brahma Baba taught knowledge to the growing family of children, teaching through example as much as through precept. And with the power of meditation (yoga), the souls who had faith in God were going ahead remarkably, attaining stability of thought in every testing situation.
“Now you have taken refuge with God, you are God’s direct children, so remember only Him. You are twice-born. You are ‘Brahmins’ of the mouth-born dynasty of Brahma, so your intellect should be linked only with God. If attachment to others persists, you cannot claim your birthright, the highest freedom will remain beyond your grasp.”
“Parents learned to see their children as souls – children of God – their spiritual brothers and sisters. Children give up the weakness of attachment to their physical parents and connected only with the Almighty ‘Shiv Baba’ as their immortal and eternal parent. Men and women viewed each other as spiritual entities and the children of the same God Father, thus as spiritual brothers & sisters, recognizing that all individuals are simply souls who take on different forms of male or female in each lifetime. This brotherly vision helped to overcome sensual temptations and allowed the mind to rest in God.”
For some, of course, the battle was more difficult. Yet Baba’s counsel was totally dependable. “Children,” he said, “firstly be victorious over your sense organs. Many times bad or unclean thoughts will arise in the mind due to old sanskaras (tendencies). You must try to make them pure through knowledge and meditation (yoga). But from now on, no bad actions should be performed. If you perform an action which goes against the knowledge you will suffer a hundred-fold in return. Before, you were ignorant, but now you know your true self and your true duty. You have the true aim and effort. So both the rewards and the risks are greater.”
“Do not look at anyone with attachment, do not utter false words, do not listen to wrong things, work with detachment and establish yourself in the remembrance of God. Consume only pure food and always have a smiling face and a pleased mind.” Brahma Baba taught them inner dignity in every aspect of their lives. This is what separated their practice from others. They were not worshipping God but rather, they were learning to become worship-worthy.
No part of life was off-limits to the need for purification. And Brahma Baba had teachings to offer about each act. With sleep, for example, Brahma Baba taught them that the method of making the dreams pure and the sleep restful was by sitting in meditation and remembering God before going to bed.
By teaching the children how to control their sense organs and how to transcend attachment to objects and bad habit patterns, Brahma Baba enabled them to achieve rapid purification of the mind. “If your decisions are not pure,” Baba taught, “bad actions will take place through the organs. So make the mind completely pure. The more you remain in the remembrance of God and are intoxicated in that state of loving remembrance, the more the mind will become purified.”
Brahma Baba was a constant source of inspiration and wisdom to those who lived in the Institution. He taught the subtlest secrets of how to invoke in the self divine attributes, such as introspection, light- heartedness, balance, tolerance, humility, patience, perseverance and will-power. And they were accumulating more reserves of that precious power each day, with every moment of meditation.
By teaching the children how to control their sense organs and how to transcend attachment to objects and bad habit patterns, Brahma Baba enabled them to achieve rapid purification of the mind. “If your decisions are not pure,” Baba taught, “bad actions will take place through the organs of action. So make the mind completely pure. The more you remain in the remembrance of God and are intoxicated in that state of loving remembrance, the more the mind will become purified.”
Brahma Baba was a constant source of inspiration and wisdom to those who lived in the Institution. He taught the subtlest secrets of how to invoke in the self divine attributes, such as introspection, light- heartedness, balance, tolerance, humility, patience, perseverance and will-power. And they were accumulating more reserves of that precious power each day, with every moment of meditation.
Lessons While Doing Daily Chores
Sometimes, Brahma Baba would go to the kitchen and help prepare the food. He would speak appropriate words of knowledge. “Daughter, if you cook in remembrance of the Almighty, there will be power in the food. Consider that you are preparing this meal for Him. This is His imperishable Institution; keep that in mind as you work.”
If someone was sewing without the help of a machine, which could be laborious, Brahma Baba would come to lighten the atmosphere. His presence made souls happy. And he never ran out of jewels of knowledge. Brahma Baba said, “Spiritual daughter, while you do your work with your physical organs, remember God with your intellect and in this way, earn a spiritual income. By remembering the Almighty, you will be adorned with the best clothes in the Golden Age.
– B.K Jagdish Chander Hasija
प्रकृति का शाश्वत नियम है रात के बाद दिन और दिन के बाद रात आने का। ठीक उसी तरह जब-जब मानव अपने धर्म-कर्म-मर्यादाओं से गिर जाता है तब-तब कोई न
ये वृतान्त सन् 1953 का है। तब इस ईश्वरीय विश्व विद्यालय का मुख्यालय भरतपुर के महाराजा की ‘बृजकोठी’ में स्थित था। यह कोठी आज भी माउण्ट आबू में, वर्तमान बस
हम हृदयंगम करते (दिल से कहते ) हैं कि भगवान हमारा साथी है। भगवान हमारा साथी बना, उसने कब, कैसे साथ दिया यह अनुभव सबको है। एक है सैद्धान्तिक ज्ञान
एक बाबा ही हमारा संसार है। गीत के थोड़े-थोड़े शब्दों में भी बहुत दफा बहुत ज्ञान भरा हुआ रहता है। एक बाबा ही हमारा संसार है। इसका क्या मतलब है?
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