
The Mystery of Karva Chauth

On the fourth day of Kartik month of Hindu Calendar Year, comes ‘Karva Chauth’ – a fast observed by Hindu wives. On this day, the wife observes fasting from sunrise to moonrise. This is observed for the good health and longevity of her husband. She breaks it only by first looking at the rising moon through a sieve, and then her husband. The zeal and enthusiasm among ladies is a treat to watch. The preparation of this fast starts 1 or 2 days in advance. Here, ‘Karva’ means a pot and ‘Chauth’ means ‘the fourth day’.

This fast reflects the dedication, faithfulness, and devotion of Indian women.

Introspection on the Traditional Observance
There are some questions that arise about this fast. Why only wives have to observe fasts for their husbands? Why don’t husbands do the same for their wives? In the age of gender equality isn’t it another form of discrimination? When all are equal in the eyes of God, then why only women have to observe these fasts?

The present relationship between husband and wife
There is no doubt that we all are witnessing a great change in human values and relationships. The love, care, understanding, and faith between the couples are dying. They often fail to sustain the relationships for a long time. Very soon, problems crop up due to differences in their personality traits. The power to adjust, accommodate, tolerate and unconditional love is lacking. That is why they fail to lead a peaceful life together and tend to fight on trivial issues. These conflicts lead to infidelity, domestic violence, divorce etc.

Observing this fast could not ensure the longevity of their husbands. Nor could peace and happiness prevail in their married lives. Conversely, the lives of married couples have been getting from bad to worse. Today, the institution of marriage which as per Hindu mythology is considered to be a must has become full of misunderstandings, struggle, and compromises.

The reason behind this is the expectations from the life partner. One must understand that no one is flawless and perfect. Therefore, one must be ready to accept others’ shortcomings and forgive the spouse. After all, the vehicle of marriage can run smoothly only on the wheels of love and acceptance.

It is only God who is perfect and complete, thus, called the Saviour. When we find our lives are full of sorrow, loneliness, and bitterness, we start calling out to God to liberate us. Listening to our call, God has to incarnate in this world every time cycle. He incarnates in the Sangam yug/ Confluence Age, i.e. the period between the end of Kaliyug and the beginning of Satyug. He then bestows the most elevated Knowledge and liberates us from sorrow; thus, restoring peace and happiness in our lives.

The Spiritual Significance of the Karva Chauth legend
The spiritual mystery of this festival is revealed only by God Shiva in the present Confluence Age.

Who is Veeravati?
If we contemplate the legend of Veeravati in the light of Godly knowledge revealed by God Shiva, then, we all can be considered to be ‘Veeravatis’, the brides of God Shiva. He is our Supreme Bridegroom. And the real fast is to take a vow to remain faithful and loyal to Him. In Shrimat Bhagwat Gita too, God advises Arjuna to forget all relations and worldly matters and to remember only Him.

Significance of seeing the moon
Seeing the moon and then breaking the fast is symbolic of fulfilling Godly advice. This will absolve our sins that we committed in the present and past births. To become elevated human beings, we have to see and follow Brahma’s lifestyle. Brahma is the corporeal medium of God Shiva. Brahma became number one in following God Shiva’s spiritual teachings in its entirety; thus, attaining the status of perfection and completion. It is a state of self-sovereignty over sense-organs. If we see and follow Brahma (who is the Moon of Knowledge) our fast will be fulfilled. We’ll attain the status of completion and perfection.

Distraction from her brothers
In the legend, Veeravati was distracted from her fast by her brothers. They made her see the false moon. Similarly, our friends and relatives distract us from the path of spirituality. They may persuade us to leave this spiritual path and thus to break the ‘fast’. But if we have complete faith on Supreme Soul God Father Shiva, however, powerful the obstacles might be, they can never ever distract us from our fast.

Veeravati removes needles from her ailing King
In the legend, Veeravati removed needles from the body of her ailing King. We too must remove the obstacles from the spiritual path through determination, faith, loyalty, and Godly love.

Veeravati regains the queen’s status
By remaining determined in this real fast of following Godly knowledge we too can become clean and pure. We can regain our status of self-sovereignty. Just like Veeravati regained the status of a queen.

Wishing you all bride-souls of the Supreme Bridegroom God Shiva – a very Happy Karva Chauth!

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