

Social Media addiction Characteristic Thumbnail
Digital Wellness

Characteristics of Social Media Addiction

Social media captivates us through endless scrolling, instant rewards, and comparison traps, making it hard to disconnect. Discover how a spiritual perspective, inspired by Brahma Kumaris, can foster digital balance.

Neuroplasticity and Rajyoga Tools for Transforming Sanskaras
Digital Wellness

Neuroplasticity and Rajyoga : Tools for Transforming Sanskars

Transform your spiritual life through the power of neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to reorganize itself. This blog delves into how consistent practices like Rajyoga meditation, positive affirmations, and reflective journaling can help you rewire your

The Souls Journey Rediscovering Our Seven Core Values
Self Development

The Soul’s Journey : Rediscovering Our Seven Core Values

Intrinsic values like Purity, Peace, Power, Knowledge, Happiness, Love, and Bliss define the essence of every soul. Initially perfect, these values diminish over time due to negative influences and experiences, leading to impurity, turmoil, weakness,

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Self Development

Understanding and Conquering Depression

Depression starts with life’s challenges, creating deep emotional scars called sanskāras. It clouds our true, peaceful self, leading to persistent sadness. It affects personal, professional, and social life. Overcoming depression involves meditation, spiritual knowledge, positive

The Power Of Purity And Celibacy

 The Power of Purity

Imagine standing before a crystal-clear lake, so transparent you can see to the depths below. Now imagine your mind just as clear, unclouded by external chaos or internal conflicts. This is the essence of purity—a

human head, half transparent showing a serene, organized landscape inside, symbolizing a calm and controlled mind, while the other half is engaged in conversation

3 Steps to Sleep Deep & Rise Early

how the content you consume before bed and first thing in the morning can transform your sleep quality and morning energy. Are you ready to take control?

depicting the detoxification of the mind through meditation on one side and the detoxification of the body through vegan food on the other. The image aims to highlight the holistic approach to detoxification, emphasizing the benefits of both practices for overall well-being. The serene individual in a meditative pose and the variety of colorful plant-based foods are designed to create a unified, calming atmosphere that emphasizes mental clarity, calmness, and physical nourishment.

1 Simple Way to Detox Mind & Body

Discover the transformative power of viewing detox not just as a physical cleanse but as a holistic approach to living, emphasizing the profound connection between mind, body, and environment.

illustration of a person meditating, surrounded by four blocks labeled Gyan, Yog, Dharna, and Seva, each symbolizing different aspects of spiritual practice.

2 Ways to Multiply Your Happiness and Blessings

Discover the profound wisdom of utilising life’s four treasures—Gyan, Yog, Dharna, and Seva—to amplify your happiness and blessings manifold. Learn how to transform these gifts into a source of endless joy and fulfillment in your

visualizing a person standing in a tranquil forest and releasing vibrant butterflies from their hands, depicted in a soft color palette. Each butterfly represents a forgiven mistake and the release of negative karma.
Self Love

Affirmations to Cleanse Wrong Karmas

Discover how to cleanse your wrong karmas through affirmations, meditation, and self-forgiveness. Learn to let go of the past and embrace a peaceful and powerful present with our insightful guide

a peaceful family gathering, with each member connected through glowing lines or auras, symbolizing mental harmony and positive thoughts.

Using Power of Your Mind to Resolve Problem

Discover the transformative power of positive thinking in reshaping challenging relationships, particularly within the family. Learn how changing our internal dialogue can manifest harmony in our external world.

The image shows an individual transforming a dark, clouded thought bubble into a bright, clear one, symbolizing the shift from a negative mindset to a positive one

Change One Wrong Thought to Live Life Your Way

Discover how altering just one erroneous belief can significantly transform your life and the lives of those around you. Embrace the journey of introspective change and live life on your terms.

How To Control Your Mind BK Shivani

How to Control Your Mind?

Uncover effective strategies for mind control and emotional mastery. Explore our comprehensive guide on cultivating inner peace, resilience, and a positive mindset in the face of life’s challenges.

The Power Of Early Bedtimes And Mindful Living - BK Shivani

The Power of Early Bedtimes and Mindful Living

Embrace the age-old wisdom of “Early to bed, early to rise” for a healthier life. Prioritize sleep between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. for optimal rest. Adopt a nightly routine of disconnecting, meditation, and positive

CELIBACY A Must For Real Independence

Celibacy – A Must for Real Independence

We should consider it our prime duty to recognise thoroughly that lust is not the right thing but a vice, a despicable thing, an evil or a sin, instead of whatever sensual people say in

Defining Addiction Page

Defining Addiction

SHORT DEFINITION OF ADDICTION Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations. This is reflected in

Procedure Drug Addiction Counseling 05

Counseling Procedures – Drug Addiction

Counseling Procedures This unit will cover the basic procedures for drug addiction counseling. Building an alliance with your client is crucial to the success of any counseling program. In drug addiction counseling, we call this

Techniques Drug Addiction Counseling 05

Counseling Techniques – Drug Addiction

Counseling Techniques Sometimes a counselor might know the skills and techniques required for doing effective drug addiction counseling, but that does not necessarily mean that the person is an effective counselor. To be an effective

Skills Drug Addiction Counseling 04

Counseling Skills – Drug Addiction

Counseling Skills In order to help you understand the difference between skills and techniques, I would like first to discuss “techniques”. A technique is a way of accomplishing a task in a manner that is

Drug Addiction Counseling 03

Principles In Drug Addiction Counseling

Principles In Drug Addiction Counseling Similar to HIV services, the success of drug addiction services in the community relies very much on the number of clients who utilize the service. Bearing that in mind, there

Drug Addiction Counseling 02

Concepts Of Drug Addiction Counseling

Drug Addiction Counseling As a counselor, you are going to play a very important role in supporting your clients to take responsibility for themselves by setting goals and making informed decisions. To be effective, you

Drug Addiction Counseling 01

Concept Of General Counselling

COUNSELING BASICS The role of the counselor in addiction counseling is to provide support, education, and non – judgmental assistance to enables change. Counselors must establish a good rapport with their clients. A client recovering

Yogasan and Diabets

योगासन और डायबिटीज……….

योगासन भारत की प्राचीन विद्या है। हज़ारों साल पहले, जब विज्ञान का विकास ही नहीं हुआ था, भारत के ऋषि मुनियों ने जीवन को सदा निरोगी रहने के लिए तथा सुख शांतिमय जीवन का आनंद


Deaddiction On World No Tobacco Day

The day 31st May is celebrated as “World No Tobacco Day”. Hence today, let’s understand the scientific and spiritual aspects of overcoming addictions. What is an addiction? Addictions are of different kinds. Addiction to substances


Going Beyond The Pleasures Of The Sense Organs

Bible clearly highlights how inexcusable humankind could be if they don’t seek their Heavenly Father. “God’s invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has


The way to remain spiritually healthy

The Hindi word for healthy is ‘swasth’. ‘Swa’ means the self, and one who is established in the self, or stable in his or her true identity, is healthy. Our true identity is that we


How To Clear Deep Rooted Negative Emotions

Many of my patients come to me with very serious issues and it takes longer than usual to treat them. They might have gone through a traumatic experience as a child or were humiliated in


Are You Using Social Media Effectively

Very rarely you come across people who don’t access social media. It’s a part of everybody’s life or even DNA. While there is nothing wrong with it, social media can cause many issues. Addiction, depression,


Less Known Facts About Exercising

Exercise is a very important part of your lifestyle. It is not an option. It is a must for all. Exercise is a great way to detox Why should you exercise? If you want to


Managing Sleep Deprivation

Today, many people are sleep deprived and find it hard to enjoy quality sleep. Sleep is vital for your well-being. Let’s explore this aspect further. Sleep creates a strong impact in striking a balance between


Feeling Great No Matter What

In this ever rushing age, it is very easy to feel low. Many are even depressed. I call the 21st century the age of depression. In India about 36% are depressed. People don’t accept it.


Improve Functioning Of The Right Side Brain

The human brain is the most complex organ in the body. It represents about 2 percent of the body weight but consumes about 20 per cent of the body’s oxygen. Like every other organ, the


Sleep Hygiene

Once, the son of a rich businessman went to his guru for advice. He was not able to sleep. The guru told him to visit the ashram the next day. The son did as instructed.


Sleep Management Techniques

Just like hunger, sleep is a natural process. You don’t have to do anything to feel hungry. Similarly, you don’t need to do anything to fall asleep. But if you find yourself struggling with sleep


You Don’t Need Sleep You Need Rest

Sleep is a natural process. It’s really sad, people are not able to sleep these days. In my previous articles, I have covered a few generic questions around sleep, sleep hygiene and sleep management techniques.