

Leading A Life Of Clarity

Leading A Life Of Clarity

“Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve” Max Planck, the Father of


Faith and forgiveness heal the soul

Where there is spiritual love, we see each other as souls and remember God, the Father of all souls. But when love is without spiritual awareness, there are expectations, and they bring sorrow. Expectations even


Thoughts can change your life

Our thoughts are a precious treasure. Like money, they are a valuable asset that can give us happiness or sorrow, depending on how we think. There are people who have everything they need, but they


The Anatomy of Change

Sometimes while undergoing a change we notice the external symptoms have faded away. However, we fail to read or ignore the subtle symptoms. E.g. you have made a resolution of not getting angry and be


Neuro-Science behind Sanskar Formation

At Brahma Kumaris, you must have heard about ‘Sanskar’ and ‘Sanskar Transformation’. Let’s look at these in detail here. What is a Sanskar? There are various ways to define it. Deep-rooted habits, old habits, attitude,


How consciousness affects our reality

The scientific worldview is that there is time, space, matter and energy, and consciousness somehow arises out of those four things. Science does not explain consciousness. Science is created on the basis of consciousness but


Who is thinking – the soul or the brain?

There is a new wave in the world of science, a wave that is pushing forward the frontiers of conventional medical and scientific views of the world. The most exciting aspect of it is that


Less Known Facts About Exercising

Exercise is a very important part of your lifestyle. It is not an option. It is a must for all. Exercise is a great way to detox Why should you exercise? If you want to


The Art of Remaining Uninfluenced

I am no better than anyone, I am no worse than anyone, I am what I am. No one in this world is ordinary. Everyone is special and lucky in their own way. There’s something