
New year means a new way of thinking

New Year means A New Way of Thinking

Beginning of a New Year: A Time for Resolutions and Renewed Energy

For many, the start of a new year signifies more than just a change in the calendar. It’s an opportunity to make fresh resolutions, embrace renewed energy, and leave the past behind. As we embark on this journey, the goal is to enhance our lives and treasure the jubilant spirit of the moment.

Wider and Wiser Perception: Embracing Spiritual Growth

Life offers profound lessons disguised in seemingly difficult situations. A wiser perception, often found through spirituality, unveils opportunities within challenges. In the realm of administration, viewing workplace challenges as avenues for personal growth transforms obstacles into stepping stones toward higher consciousness.

Disguised in routine tasks are signposts pointing towards truth.

As administrators seek to bring positive change to their workplace, adopting a new approach becomes crucial. Norman Vincent Peale’s wisdom echoes: “You change your thoughts, and you change your world.” This change is achievable with determination.

Don’t Choose Only What You Like: Exploring Hidden Capabilities

Adopting a new attitude towards familiar situations sparks new beginnings. Choosing to work with those whom we may not initially prefer unlocks hidden capabilities, fostering personal and organizational growth.

Weather may influence, but it doesn’t define the quality of our day.

Life’s quality is shaped by our perception. Viewing life as a constant battleground or as a journey filled with opportunities depends on our attitude. Complaints distance us from our inner power; spirituality unites us with our potential.

Mind Over Matter: Nurturing the Power Within

In a materialistic world, regaining control over our minds becomes paramount. Our minds, akin to programmable computers, shape our attitudes. Understanding the mind’s role as a creator of thoughts, feelings, and attitudes empowers us to navigate life with harmony.

Care without worrying: Shifting from fear to love.

Distinguishing between worry and care is crucial. Worry weakens, while care strengthens both ourselves and others. Replacing negative thoughts with positive ones transforms worry into genuine care, fostering positive behavior and stable relationships.

Have Faith in Your Team: Fostering Positive Relationships

In the administrative realm, cultivating positive relationships within a team is essential for success. Expecting good from others and having faith in their abilities enhances performance, contributing to a thriving work environment.

Influence the world by the smallest efforts possible.

Choosing to influence rather than be influenced transforms our experience of the world. Consciously creating positive vibrations, even in the face of negative news, contributes to the elevation of global consciousness.

New Knowledge Every Day: Nourishing the Creative Spirit

The beginning of a new year is an opportune time for self-progress. Daily doses of spiritual knowledge fuel creative thinking, leading to transformation. Rajyog Meditation, focused on positive and constructive thoughts, becomes a dynamic exercise, bringing forth new aspects of our personalities.

Wishing everyone a Very Happy and Virtuous New Year 2018.

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What really defines happiness

What Really Defines Success?

Is success only about money and material gains? This blog dives deeper, suggesting true success comes from inner happiness and fulfillment, and the impact we make on others. Achievements are great, but lasting contentment starts within. Change your belief system, and redefine success. 🌟💭 #RedefineSuccess #HappinessWithin #InnerFulfillment

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Navratri devi parvati power to withdraw day 1

Parvati Devi-Power To Withdraw

Embracing “Power to detach” empowers us to approach any situation with faith and inner strength, maintaining control over our solutions. This fosters genuine self-love and affection extending to all

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Finish your problems using god's power bk shivani

Finish Your Problems Using God’s Powers

The journey towards a life enriched with purity, happiness, and inner peace begins with embracing the divine wisdom. It’s about understanding and applying the teachings of God in our everyday lives. We are encouraged to take ownership of our spiritual growth, constantly immersing ourselves in the ocean of wisdom, and letting it transform our thoughts and actions. This journey is not just about seeking divine intervention but about actively participating in our own transformation.

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● the power represented by maa lakshmi is exemplified by her image sitting on a lotus flower, signifying the ability to remain unaffected by negativity while exuding purity and peace. Her two hands, one adorned with gold mudras and the other bestowing blessings, symbolise how a rich and contented soul can offer support and give to others selflessly, without any expectations in return.

Devi Sri Laxmi – Power to Cooperate

● The power represented by Maa Lakshmi is exemplified by her image sitting on a lotus flower, signifying the ability to remain unaffected by negativity while exuding purity and peace. Her two hands, one adorned with gold mudras and the other bestowing blessings, symbolise how a rich and contented soul can offer support and give to others selflessly, without any expectations in return.

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The art of eliminating negative thoughts a journey to positivity - bk shivani didi

The Art of Eliminating Negative Thoughts : A Journey to Positivity

To shift from negative to positive thinking, we must first change our emotional diet. This change begins with mindfulness about what we consume through media, social interactions, and personal hobbies. A one-week experiment of consciously choosing positive, uplifting, and empowering information can be a transformative experience.

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Dussehra – Victory of the Ethical over the Unethical or Evil

The essence of Dussehra lies in the symbolic burning of effigies, notably that of the ten-headed demon king, Ravana, along with Meghnad and Kumbhkarana. These fiery rituals carry profound spiritual significance, portraying the perennial battle between virtues and vices. Rooted in Indian mythology, Dussehra narrates the tale of Rama, the embodiment of virtue, and his unwavering commitment to righteousness.

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