Visualizing a person standing in a tranquil forest and releasing vibrant butterflies from their hands, depicted in a soft color palette. Each butterfly represents a forgiven mistake and the release of negative karma.

Affirmations to Cleanse Wrong Karmas

Today, we delve into a profound discussion with Sister Shivani, exploring the transformative power of affirmations in cleansing wrong karmas. As we embark on this journey of self-reflection and healing, let’s embrace the wisdom that awaits.

Forgive and Release: The First Step to Cleansing Karma

The essence of cleansing wrong karmas begins with forgiveness, particularly self-forgiveness. The repeated replay of negative situations in our minds, as Sister Shivani articulates, turns us into hostages of our past. Mistakes, when dwelled upon, are relived, causing the depletion of our soul’s power. The key lies in releasing these burdens and moving forward.

The Power of Positive Affirmations

Affirmations are not just words; they are the seeds of transformation. When we meditate on thoughts like “I am a divine being” or “I am a peaceful being,” we aren’t merely creating idle thoughts. These affirmations help in emerging our inherent sanskars of peace and purity. By internalizing thoughts such as “I am a powerful being” or “I am love,” we empower these positive sanskars to come into action in our daily lives.

The Consequence of Negative Thoughts

Conversely, dwelling on thoughts like “I am wrong” or “I am bad” reinforces negative sanskars. Each repetition of these thoughts is akin to reliving the mistake, further depleting our soul power. The cycle of self-hatred and punishment only serves to reinforce these negative patterns, making it more challenging to break free from them.

Breaking the Cycle: The Role of Meditation and Affirmations

To break this cycle, we need to replace these negative thoughts with positive affirmations. This process, akin to a spiritual medicine, involves creating and internalizing thoughts that heal and empower. Affirmations such as “I am a pure soul,” “I am God’s child,” and “I have done several meritorious karmas” serve as powerful antidotes to negative self-perceptions.

Understanding Past Karmic Accounts

Understanding our past karmic accounts can be enlightening. Often, our actions and reactions are influenced by these karmic imprints from past lives. By recognizing this, we can rise above these patterns and create new, positive karmas in the present.

Daily Charging of the Soul

Charging our soul daily with spiritual knowledge and God’s power is crucial. It prepares us to face any past karmic accounts and ensures that our responses do not lead to the creation of more negative karma.

Essence : Embracing Forgiveness and Moving Forward

In conclusion, cleansing our wrong karmas is a journey of embracing forgiveness, both for ourselves and others. It involves a daily practice of meditation and affirmations, reinforcing positive sanskars, and understanding our past karmic accounts. By doing so, we release ourselves from the shackles of the past, paving the way for a peaceful and powerful existence.

Reflective Questions ?

Reflect on a past mistake. Can you replace the negative thought associated with it with a positive affirmation?

How can you apply the concept of past karmic accounts to understand and heal a current relationship conflict?

In moments of self-criticism, how can you remind yourself of your inherent purity and strength?


Guided Meditation Practice

(Turn on above audio and start practicing meditation)

Find a comfortable and quiet place where you can sit peacefully. You may choose to keep your eyes partially or half-open, as advised, to maintain a gentle focus.

Beginning the Meditation:

  • Sit comfortably and take a deep breath. Exhale slowly, releasing any tension you may be holding.
  • Visualize yourself as a point of light, located between your eyebrows, on your forehead. This light represents your true, spiritual self, radiant and peaceful.

Affirmations for Cleansing Karmas:

  1. Forgiving the Self:

    • Repeat silently, “I forgive myself.” Let go of the need to replay negative situations. Understand that holding onto past mistakes only strengthens unwanted sanskars (traits).
    • Visualize each mistake as a cloud passing by, and see yourself releasing it gently. With each breath, feel lighter and more at peace.
  2. Creating Positive Sanskars:

    • Think, “I am a divine being, a peaceful being.” Even though this thought has not yet manifested in action, by merely thinking it, you are strengthening your inner peace and purity.
    • Imagine these qualities manifesting in your daily interactions. Envision yourself acting with peace and love in various situations.
  3. Empowering the Self:

    • Embrace the thought, “I am a powerful being.” Visualize yourself embodying this power in your actions and decisions. Feel the strength and confidence building within you.
  4. Healing with Love:

    • Repeat to yourself, “I am love.” Feel this love radiating from you and touching everyone you meet. Notice how this thought transforms your interactions, increasing your acceptance and understanding of others and yourself.
  5. Releasing Negative Thoughts:

    • If thoughts like “I am wrong” or “I am bad” arise, acknowledge them and then replace them with positive affirmations. Say, “I am a pure soul, a child of the Divine. My true nature is beautiful and powerful.”
  6. Dealing with Past Karmic Accounts:

    • Understand that some actions stem from past karmic accounts. Acknowledge these, but do not dwell on them. Instead, focus on creating new, positive karmas in the present.
    • Tell yourself, “This past karma is over. I am now creating new, positive experiences with my thoughts, words, and actions.”

Concluding the Meditation:

  • As you near the end of this meditation, take a few deep breaths and gently bring your awareness back to your surroundings.
  • Carry these affirmations and the sense of peace with you throughout your day.

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