
Keep your aura clean and clear

Keep Your Aura Clean And Clear

How well do I white wash my mind? With regular meditation and spiritual study, you can empower your energy field. Keep your aura untouched by lower energies of anger, fear, stress and pain.

Aura as Energy Reflection

Just as we ensure protection and wellness of our physical body, we also need to take care of our body energy or aura that surrounds our being. Our energy of intentions, thoughts, words, attitudes and behaviours create our aura. Our aura is like a lens through which we perceive our world. It’s also like the perfume we wear, radiating to everyone around us. Holding on to our own negativity or absorbing negativity from people and situations, dirties our aura. Releasing them cleanses it. Your aura is white and clean; it shines brightly around you and has a footprint of your divInIty.

Aura Protection

Energies from people and situations shouldn’t harm you and stain your aura. Your energy field is stronger than all other energies. With regular meditation and spiritual study, you can empower your energy field. 

Your happiness, peace and power are protective shields around it. Keep your aura untouched by lower energies of anger, fear, stress and pain. Rise above them. Do not entangle with other people’s auras. Let what they did in the past or what they are doing today not affect your energy field. It’s a part of them, not a part of you. 

Emotional Detachment

When someone gets angry at you, do you protect your energy and stay calm? Or do you react, lower your energy and stain your aura? We are responsible for keeping our aura clean, just as we keep our surroundings clean. In all our interactions, let us be the ones to think and respond with stability. 

Responsibility for Aura Maintenance

Let us see goodness in others and radiate our goodness. This is the easiest way to protect our aura and experience health, happiness and harmony. The emotional clutter of unwanted thoughts, negative emotions, unpleasant memories, unforgiving attitudes and limiting beliefs stain our aura. 

Affirmative Practice

We need to release them regularly to cleanse it. Remind yourself everyday – My aura is perfectly white. I clean it and strengthen it every day. I am a powerful being. My clean aura helps me experience ever-lasting peace and happiness.

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Free from fear


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Shree krishna jayanti

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The Journey Of Joyful Parenting

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