Overcoming Ethical Depletion through Spirituality
Since the past few months, we are noticing a huge change in Indian economy which is in buzz not just in the nation but also
What makes the world? Is it nature, animals, or human beings? Ideally, all of them, but it is the collective consciousness of human beings that determines the state of the world. The world was created beautifully. It was the downfall of human consciousness that deteriorated the world. World restoration is not the job of some white-collared organisation; it is a collective responsibility of each one of us humans.
For five long months, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs had been making multiple attempts to convince John Sculley to join him. Then one day, Jobs turned to Sculley and said, “Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life or come with me and change the world?” This question landed like “a punch to the gut,” giving Sculley enough impetus to take the leap.
Take a moment and ask your inner self if what you are doing is creating enough ripples to change the world. Yes, the onus is on you. Right now, it might seem like an impossible matter to you. So, to befriend this idea, let’s first discuss the 100th monkey effect.
The story dates back to 1952. A hungry young female monkey lived in the wild on a Japanese island. One day, fed up with the residual taste of dirt in her mouth, she had a bright idea! The next meal onwards, she washed her dirty potatoes in a stream before eating them. Her family watched on and followed suit. Then, her other mates, their families, and so on. What scientists observed next was a game-changer. When the 100th monkey copied the behaviour, suddenly, overnight, each monkey on the island took it as a norm!
When a certain small percentage of a species, the critical mass, learns a new skill, that ability becomes easier to transfer to others and can even transfer instantly without direct contact, through some unknown mechanism, perhaps quantum nonlocality. There are telepathy-type interconnections between organisms and collective memories within species.
This story was further popularised by Ken Keyes, Jr. in his book “The Hundredth Monkey” about the devastating effects of nuclear war on the planet. He used the story as an inspirational parable, applying it to human society and how it can bring a positive change.
The key to achieving critical mass is to have a compelling vision and narrative that focuses on both what you say and how you say it. The theory can also be applied to almost every big or small sociological change. When we make a change in our behaviour, it affects and impacts the people around us directly and then the people around them, adding up too many more people. It is not difficult to bring about a large-scale change, especially now, when we are so tightly linked together through networks.
Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always be adopted by most of society. It can be a negative or a positive belief. For example, if a saint is locked with hundreds of criminals, he may himself turn into a criminal or the jail will transform into a monastery. The outcome will depend on the consciousness of the saint, how much he is disconnected from the world and connected with the Highest consciousness, God, the ultimate powerhouse of all virtues.
Similarly, if you keep a hot dish in the freezer, either the ice will melt or the dish will freeze, depending on the energy (heat) of the dish. When at least 10% of the population is vibrating at an unshakable higher consciousness, the collective higher consciousness of the world will bring about a dramatic change in society. According to current stats, the world population is over 8 billion. When 10%, i.e., 800 million people hold a firm belief that the peaceful world has arrived, the world will transform, and all wars will end.
Mahatma Gandhi said – “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” Just some minor transformation is not being talked about here. The “roots and foundation of world restoration” need to be very strong people who have the capability to shake the entire world.
Those are some very strong qualities. You may ask, “Is it even possible to possess these qualities? We aren’t saints; we are just simple human beings living a quiet life.” Why not? To bring about a behavioural change of any form, you need to start small and proceed with small steps. By having a plan and breaking the larger task into baby steps, we make an impossible behaviour change feel possible. Planning is the most important phase. Such an important and huge task of world restoration calls for a great, or in fact, the best plan.
A plain intellect generates the best plans. A person with a plain intellect is free from hidden agendas or selfish desires. A plain intellect is 24 karat gold, not an alloy. No limited feelings can be mixed in his plan. When each one of us makes such a great plan and completes it with determination, the task of world transformation will be complete. “It’s in your hands to make the world a better place.” – Nelson Mandela
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