Dr Nirmala Didi was born in 1935 into a higher middle-class family in Mumbai to a Gujarati family. Although her father enjoyed success as a film distributor in the glamorous film industry, the young Nirmala’s thoughts tended towards wanting to undertake medical training to help those less fortunate than herself.
On completing her medical studies in Mumbai, Dr Nirmala was contemplating about dedicating her medical expertise to poor villagers when, in 1962, at the age of 27, she came across the teachings of the Brahma Kumaris. It was at this time it was suggested that she could bring both medical and spiritual benefits by staying in Mumbai and serving the urban community. Dr Nirmala started a BK Centre in Mumbai, alongside continued to run her medical practice. Convinced of the practical benefits of meditation, Dr Nirmala experimented with meditation in her treatment of patients. In 1965, she established a medical clinic specialising in diseases common to developing countries and discovered that her patients responded much better when their treatment was supplemented with meditation.
[“My medical studies aimed to help people. I could see that with medicine, I could help cure sickness in a limited way and for a short time only. The patients would come back after some time with the same problem. Medicine could help, but the main cause seemed psychosomatic.” Dr Nirmala Kajaria]
After seven years of running her practice, Dr Nirmala ceased practising medicine to dedicate her energy to spiritual service. From 1971 to 1978, Dr Nirmala represented the Brahma Kumaris in the UK, Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Mauritius. On a brief visit to Australia in 1975, Dr Nirmala introduced Rajyoga meditation. In 1978, she returned to Australia and was stationed there for the next thirty years as the regional coordinator for the Asia-Austral region.
Since 2009, Dr Nirmala served as a Senior Rajyoga Teacher at the spiritual headquarters of the Brahma Kumaris, Mount Abu, Rajasthan, India. She looked after the Asia-Australia region and travelled extensively globally, sharing the benefits of meditation and a spiritual lifestyle. At a time when Indian women did not usually hold positions of leadership, Dr Nirmala forged her own path, renouncing family life and humbly dedicating her time and energy to improving lives. In 2021, she was appointed the Joint Administrative Head of the Brahma Kumaris.
Dr Nirmala combined a medical doctor’s pragmatic qualities with a yogi’s subtle spiritual understanding. Dr Nirmala had a special interest in personal development and well-being. She was fascinated by observing how mental and emotional balance can be enhanced and supported by meditation. She strongly believed that, “Meditation can help us understand tension and stress and how to manage them before they get the better of us. Meditation helps us learn to control our thoughts positively and adjust our mental outlook so that the mind and body can regain their proper balance. It also facilitates the development of our talents and virtues for a constructive and creative way of life.”
On 20th October 2023 she left her mortal coil to embark on the journey of higher bliss and peace. She led a life of surrender to God, in service of the world and served as a double doctor of body and soul.
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