An engineer, a medalist and a professional, who found real meaning of life in spirituality and dedicated herself for the cause of humanity.
As a person-
Born in a joint family with strong base of moral value system, she has travelled many parts of India till the completion of her formal education and has had an experience of vivid cultures and taste of all walks and sections of the society.
A dancer, an artiste and a person with a creative bent of mind and undaunted attitude, she is always enthusiastic to learn new things and explore new ideas.
Her keen dedication, determination, humility, cheerfulness, optimism, dynamic personality, amiable and learning attitude has helped her achieve a rich experience and broad perception of work and life.
Association with Brahma Kumaris-
Her like-mindedness towards spirituality and learning attitude encouraged her to adopt a spiritual lifestyle in 2008, by being associated with the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University while pursuing her B.Tech
She had voluntarily resigned from IBM for rendering her services for through the Brahma Kumaris, imparting spiritual knowledge of Rajyoga Meditation and offering herself for services to the community, undertaken by the organization.
She regularly conducts corporate training on various topics like:
Inspirational Leadership, Stress Management, Harmonising Relationships, Team Building, Work Life Balance, Conflict Resolution, Self-Motivation, Enhancing Self Esteem, Positive Thinking, Time Management, Befriending Mind, Making Work a Pleasure and many more.
She has given lectures and talks for various government organizations, ministries, corporate houses, Institutes, Hospitals, Universities like:-
Union Ministry of HRD, Union Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Union Ministry of Agriculture, Union Ministry of Tribal Affairs, IBM, NHPC, Power Grid, BPCL, Indian Oil, Dalmia Bharat, Jakson Group, Global Logic, Nestle, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd., Honda Cars, Honda Motorcycle, Hero Moto Corp, MMTC, GMR, DELL, Jhonsons Lift and Elevators, Luxor, Zee News, IFFDC, Asian Paints, Hyatt Regency, Imperial Hotel, Radisson Blu, Daikin Airconditioning India Pvt.Ltd, Mother Dairy, Indiabulls Real Estate Limited, The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, Shree Cement, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE), Amity University etc.
She has deep understanding of Gita and its application in life and has delivered series of interactions based on Bhagawad Gita.
She has been a part of several National Conferences in the capacity of a speaker and addressed various International audiences.
She is involved in various events serving different wings of Rajyoga Education and Research Foundation, a sister concern of Brahma Kumaris, like: Administrator’s Service Wing, Business & Industry Wing, Youth Wing, IT Wing etc., as a core member.
She is currently serving as a Faculty at the Om Shanti Retreat Centre of Brahma Kumaris at Manesar (Distt. Gurgaon) and is involved in programme coordination for various projects with the Government as well as national and international events for youth, adults, professionals, administrators and leaders.
Academic Background-
She was actively involved during graduation days, in various projects and social activities, while being a medallist with 95.2 % in her B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering from National Institute of Technology (NIT)-Surat.
She was involved in the formal management and administration of the NIT-Surat Student’s Welfare Association during her 2nd, 3rd, Final year, in different capacities.
Served as Lady Institute Representative, a representative of NIT-Surat, during Final Year of B.Tech.
She was active as Convener of all the technical, cultural and management- based events and festivals during final year of the engineering studies.
Was also involved in the management committee and technical committee of all the technical and cultural events during 2nd and 3rd year of her graduation.
Did Social Projects for Srishti and NIF NGOs with IIM-A during 2007-2008
Was a part of Society of Automobile Engineers (SAE) India chapter, National Innovation Foundation (NIF) student’s chapter, founded by Padmashree Dr. Anil K Gupta, Prof. IIM-A 2006-10
She took interest in participation in various national level events and leverage her engineering skills.
Professional Background-
She had worked for IBM India Pvt. Ltd. as a Certified Siebel Consultant.
Apart from main stream responsibility, she was also handling many technical and management related World-Wide roles in her team and active in implementing innovative solutions in her project.
She was a managing member of the Social Networking Gateway for the IBM Account.
Was involved in inducting, facilitating and orienting new hires into IBM Account, across locations in India.
She had voluntarily resigned from IBM for rendering her services for through the Brahma Kumaris.
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